Saturday, September 15, 2012

Relieve Muscle Soreness Now

When it comes to muscle soreness, recovery is a must but do you understand why? After all, you don’t want to just grit your teeth and push through the soreness. When we workout our muscles grow and become stronger. When they are subjected to resistance, tiny tears in the muscle fibers occur. It is during the recovery period after a workout that the body repairs these fibers and builds new blood vessels to these stressed areas. During this period, the energy-generating mechanisms of the cells develop a higher work capacity. However, none of this happens unless you have proper rest and recovery. Although post workout muscle soreness cannot be completely eliminated, it can be controlled. Here are 5 easy ways to prevent post workout pain.

For the complete article go to

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this informative post. Now, I already had an idea on how to treat muscle soreness.

    Muscle Relaxers
